Sunday, December 23, 2007
List of New Year Resolutions 2008
20. No New Year Resoltions from now on...... fayda kya hai yaar?????
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Old Habits Die Hard
Among the very short list of "good habits" that I think I have is this one habit of reading. I have been a voracious reader ever since I can remember. I remember the times when I used to be scolded by my parents for getting late for school because I wouldn’t buzz without having a good look at the newspaper. I remember those early morning arguments among the three of us (my granddad, my father and me) for who'll get to read the newspaper first. Being the youngest, I usually had to forfeit my right. That's when they started getting three newspapers in the house.
I've always preferred reading books to playing computer games or watching TV. I remember bunking school to finish my copy of the latest Harry Potter. For fear of being scolded I used to hide novels and magazines between my course books and read them, though I was never a big comics fan. I suppose it would have been me who used to get the highest no. of novels issued from the school library, and I never returned a book unread. I even have a small personal library of my own.
But looking back over the past two years, I suppose my reading habit has moved into a state of dormancy (I won’t say that it has become extinct, because I can’t afford to let that happen). I have read only a few books over the past two years. Though I have a readymade excuse for that- I didn’t get time, but then there never used to be time earlier too, and how is it that I can find time for movies, chatting, orkutting and all other velapanti. I don’t read magazines now, though I have a genuine excuse for this one, being a student I can’t spend money on magazines, I have other pressing expenditures like movie tickets, chocolates, coffees at Barista. And then I am not too eager to “read” the newspaper these days, (though it still remains the very first thing I do every morning) just a casual flip does the job for me.
What really troubles me is that all this is happening at a time when I really should be reading. Keeping in mind the fact that I am a management aspirant, reading is the heart and soul of my preparations, I just can’t make it without reading. Life is really ironic, now my father almost daily asks me whether I have read the newspaper or not and what book am I currently reading.
And all this lack of reading has started showing its effects. My general knowledge is getting poor by the day, and my vocabulary has almost become stagnant.
I have to do something about this And this time I WILL do it. I’ve already started taking measures and I think I am improving. Starting these vacations I am reading the newspaper almost 45 min daily. I have already finished two books-something I had been trying to do for the past 10 months, over the past 7 days, and that too both of them non-fiction….Yippee!!!
I suppose I am back on the right track again. After all old habits do die hard.
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
There was this fisherman in one of the small fishing village in coastal regions of India. He used to fish daily from sunrise to sunset and sell the catch at the night market to earn his livelihood. A normal, hardworking fisherman. He and his wife were quite content and happy with their lives.
One morning when the fisherman reached the coast to start another day full of toil, he heard a feeble female voice calling out his name, after much searching he found it to be coming from a small puddle of water at some distance from the main sea. On reaching there, he was amazed to see a small silver fish calling out his name. The fish must have reached the puddle in the high tide last night. She requested the fisherman to put her back into the sea. Kind hearted as he was he immediately did the same. As soon as the fish reached her abode she told the fisherman that she’d grant him one wish, and that she had the power to grant him anything. The fisherman thought for a moment and asked the fish to grant him a good house instead of the small makeshift arrangement they were living in. the fish granted him the wish, After selling his fare at the market that night, he headed back toward the place where his small hut used to be, but instead he found a huge structure at the same place. He was quite happy that the fish had actually granted his wish. He told his wife everything about the incident that took place that morning. She too was quite happy, but told him that he should also have asked for some money, so that they could live a more comfortable life.
So the next morning the fisherman reached the coast and summoned the fish and asked her if she would grant him another wish as he had saved her life. The fish agreed, so the fisherman asked her for so much money so as to fulfill all the needs of his family for generations to come. The wish was granted.
The fisherman and his wife lived in peace for some time. Then again the desire to have more arose. The fisherman again went to the shore and summoned the fish. He expressed the desire to be made the king of all the regions within 1000 miles of his village. The fish became very angry and scolded the fisherman for his greed. Then she told him that she will be taking back all that she had granted to him in the past and disappeared. When the fisherman reached his home, he found the same old small hut standing in the place where his magnificent house used to be.
It’s a Konkani folktale which shows the implications of human greed, and how heavily one has to pay for it.
But the writer had interpreted it in his own way. According to him the fish was to blame for all the greed that arose in the fisherman. The fisherman had helped her selflessly, he never expected any reward out of the act.
But the fish showed him that she could grant him anything. It was the fish that made hope arise in him. Then there was no fault of the fisherman in asking for more if he thought he could get more, afterall that’s common human nature.
According to the writer it was a wrong doing on the fish’s part to deny the fisherman whatever he asked for afterall it she who had made him hope that he could get anything out of her. It’s a terrible mistake to make hope rise in someone and then go back. You cannot lend a helping hand to a drowning man, show him a ray of light that he can survive and then pullback your hand.
So always beware of your acts, if you show somebody the light at the end of the tunnel, do make sure you do accompany him to the end of the tunnel, or else never point out that ray of light.
Thursday, May 31, 2007
Last Month as a Tenant....
Suddenly your decibels seem to have multiplied manifold, u seem to be wasting too much water-enough to fulfill the need of three families and your electricity bill seems to be rising faster than China's economy. The biggest disadvantage is the stopping of that occasional supply of delicious sweets prepared by auntyji.
Saturday and the day of Sabbath, u seem to be welcoming unwanted guest- the to be new tenants and the "property dealers". Sometimes they wont even be snesible enough to knock before opening the door of your room and analyzing it with the crious eyes of a four year old. In a hushed tone theyll ask you how much you are paying, the frequency of water and elecctric supply, whether the landlord is good and blah blah.....
And finally the D day is there, u r all packed up and waiting for the transporter to come and shift ur belongings, and then auntyji comes and with a very sweet smile- trying to show up the that new lakme shade and the recently polished 32 pearls, she'll put up the

And then the landlord will come...his patched vest trying to cover up that mound....and bellow"Hisaab"....and survey all the electrical fittings and the paint and all,u r handed ovr the bill.
U wld have never been as pleased to hear the sound of a truck in ur life....finally its loaded and u r ready....Good Riddance....think the opposite side must be thinking the same!
Sunday, April 1, 2007
No updates??
But i've been real busy this past 1 mnth. Talking about being busy i must admit that definition of being busy has changed. Earlier if even for 1 day i wrkd for arnd 3 was being busy. BUt wrking and partying 16-18 hrs nowadayz is pretty normal.
Maybe the definition is in for an overhaul in the days 2 cm....maybe i yet dnt know wht being busy is???
BTW I WILL TRY to post smthing new pretty soon or as soon as i get time out of my BUSY schedule......surely I WILL TRY
Sunday, February 18, 2007
Now what is it that has made orkut so successful?? There are other networking sites 2, but y only orkut??? I had been wondering over 4 quite a time, letz analyze it…
Firstly the concept of scraps…b4 being introduced 2 orkut scrap to me meant a small piece of paper or smthing…nw this has cmpltly changed it.
Y scraps??? Couldn’t they have put an option where u cld just mail ur frns and get replys. Y scraps which can b read by nebde and everybde??? Wht I think is tht these scraps r just meant 2 b an informal way of greeting ur frns…just make them know u remember them and 4 the usual chitcat u wld do if u meet them….. Another important factor is the scraps being public- I have had lots of ma frns complaining abt them being public….but just think ovr it??? Wld u visit orkut as often had u been able to check only ur scraps…here orkut cashes on people’s desire to knw whts gng on with others ppl’s life.
Communities is another of the important features. It helps ppl to connect with ppl having same interests or other common things… these communities on orkut r even helping people unite for causes(so finally sm social gd 2!!!!!)
Whenever I browse orkut I wndr hw cleverly the site has been designed, I smtimes wndr had the founder done a PhD on human nature b4 designing this site. The feature of adding sm1 to crush list-did u knw tht sm1 in ur crush list or hot list adds u to their crush or hot list ull b notified… orkut is promoting mutual love!!!!
By limiting the no. of photographs not only does the site saves on the server space but also makes sure that everyone showcase their best.
So tht is wht all I think abt this site….but all the analyzing apart…orkut simply ROX!!!!!
Sunday, February 4, 2007
My Parents failed attempts
But this one is not about what my parents have done for me...this is about what they tried doing 4 me, but i dint let them succeed...
I waz maybe in class 1st or 2nd....a tutor waz called to improve my handwriting....i dnt remember nething xcept i have a blurred vision of him accepting his fees mnth after mnth. I dnt need 2 tell the attempt waz a failure.
Class 3rd came the music classes, to make me learn to play the kyboard(harmonium does not sound standard), again no use.
After that I started attending the drawing and painting classes, I still remember the teacher there complaining to ma parents tht i cm there just to chat with the gals...i still cant believe that bcoz the gals there were almost 2.5 times my age.
Grade 6th and 7th were for sports-Table Tennis and the T.T court i just liked watching the pros play...and in the swimming pool i liked watching the lasses...nah thats a lie....bcoz v didnt have the same timing as the gals. I liked swimming but i cldnt ever build up on the stamina.
Next year I expressed my desire to join computer classes…papa immediately obiliged me….now that waz sum success…but what waz the ultimate use…..I m here wasting my time on orkut, yahoo, rediff and blogging!
Class 8th drawing and painting again….this time for academic purpouses bcoz my art marks were ruining my report card…after the first two months the art teacher literally begged to me not to cum again.
Class 9th the writing master waz bck….this time it waz just bcoz I had said(by mistake)-“I dnt like my handwriting and wanna improve it”….my parents, wonderful as they are, did a lotta hardwork 2 find the same teacher again bcoz he waz the only 1 of his kind in the city…..nobody out there teaches u how to improve ur handwriting. The only improvement over last time waz tht this time I cld remember his name….Sulekh….weird name na???
2002 came the Art Of Living course….so that I can b a bttr human being…..i fnd it interesting…but sluggish as I m I never bothered to practice…
Nebde could have given up after so many failures, but I suppose my parents were well taught King Aurthur’s tale in their school days….they are still ready to support me in whatever I try….my Papa the biggest critic and motivator one can have and my mummy a step ahead of him. I respect them, I fear them and I love them. THANX…THANX A TON.
Wednesday, January 31, 2007
The USP will b that i'll write the truth....truths which i may even fear telling my ownself....."sach dikhayenge hum".
Do people like to know the truth?? By my observation, they do, only if it doesnt directly effect them. So that means my blogs going 2 b a hit, bcoz my life in noway effects yours..
But wht kinda truth ill write?? Maybe about me, my life my thoughts, my perceptions and some truths abt this big bad world....
So r u interested in this??? If u r not u may leave(i m polite or else i wld have said-"get the f*** outta here) bcoz this is my space and i wll write whatever i like.
Lets start....
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Y This Blog??
I m not gud at writing(the list of wht i m not gud at is quite long...singing,dancing,writing,painting, short i m not gud at nething which u can term as "artistic"), I m not tht popular that everyone out there wld like 2 knw whts gng on with ma dull and boring life(c i m so modest!!!!).
Then y am i starting this blog??????
The sole reason I can think of is that blog is the "IN" thing and i dnt wanna b left behind in nething which is related to technology.....the only thing I think i have some hold on....every bde out there nowadayz has a y not me????
The next question which pops up is what am i gng to post here????
Maybe i am not gud at writing, but my first 6 mnths in clg have atleast taught me how to refine google searches and of course "copy and paste"(y ppl call it "cut copy paste"??? i cant get it....either u cut or u copy...). So i will try to search 4 interesting articles and paste it here....and I WILL TRY if i can cum up with smthng original...I WILL TRY surely....
Now the usual stuff....i hope u people like it and post comments and help make this blog a big success.