Orkut…the seemingly meaningless word almost a year ago is now familiar as well as popular with every youth in the country. Orkut is an Internet social network service run by Google and named after its creator, Google employee Orkut Büyükkökten. It claims to be designed to help users meet new friends and maintain existing relationships.
Now what is it that has made orkut so successful?? There are other networking sites 2, but y only orkut??? I had been wondering over 4 quite a time, letz analyze it…
Firstly the concept of scraps…b4 being introduced 2 orkut scrap to me meant a small piece of paper or smthing…nw this has cmpltly changed it.
Y scraps??? Couldn’t they have put an option where u cld just mail ur frns and get replys. Y scraps which can b read by nebde and everybde??? Wht I think is tht these scraps r just meant 2 b an informal way of greeting ur frns…just make them know u remember them and 4 the usual chitcat u wld do if u meet them….. Another important factor is the scraps being public- I have had lots of ma frns complaining abt them being public….but just think ovr it??? Wld u visit orkut as often had u been able to check only ur scraps…here orkut cashes on people’s desire to knw whts gng on with others ppl’s life.
Secondly the concept of ratings and fans….though ppl consider it a secondry feature of orkut, its one of the features which has made orkut the success story it is 2 day. Here orkut cashes in on another of human tendencies…2 knw hw popular one is, and these features seem 2 b the esiest way to get feedback on wht ppl think abt u. Same is the concept of testimonials… 
Communities is another of the important features. It helps ppl to connect with ppl having same interests or other common things… these communities on orkut r even helping people unite for causes(so finally sm social gd 2!!!!!)
Whenever I browse orkut I wndr hw cleverly the site has been designed, I smtimes wndr had the founder done a PhD on human nature b4 designing this site. The feature of adding sm1 to crush list-did u knw tht sm1 in ur crush list or hot list adds u to their crush or hot list ull b notified…..so orkut is promoting mutual love!!!!
By limiting the no. of photographs not only does the site saves on the server space but also makes sure that everyone showcase their best.
So tht is wht all I think abt this site….but all the analyzing apart…orkut simply ROX!!!!!
Now what is it that has made orkut so successful?? There are other networking sites 2, but y only orkut??? I had been wondering over 4 quite a time, letz analyze it…
Firstly the concept of scraps…b4 being introduced 2 orkut scrap to me meant a small piece of paper or smthing…nw this has cmpltly changed it.
Y scraps??? Couldn’t they have put an option where u cld just mail ur frns and get replys. Y scraps which can b read by nebde and everybde??? Wht I think is tht these scraps r just meant 2 b an informal way of greeting ur frns…just make them know u remember them and 4 the usual chitcat u wld do if u meet them….. Another important factor is the scraps being public- I have had lots of ma frns complaining abt them being public….but just think ovr it??? Wld u visit orkut as often had u been able to check only ur scraps…here orkut cashes on people’s desire to knw whts gng on with others ppl’s life.
Communities is another of the important features. It helps ppl to connect with ppl having same interests or other common things… these communities on orkut r even helping people unite for causes(so finally sm social gd 2!!!!!)
Whenever I browse orkut I wndr hw cleverly the site has been designed, I smtimes wndr had the founder done a PhD on human nature b4 designing this site. The feature of adding sm1 to crush list-did u knw tht sm1 in ur crush list or hot list adds u to their crush or hot list ull b notified…..so orkut is promoting mutual love!!!!
By limiting the no. of photographs not only does the site saves on the server space but also makes sure that everyone showcase their best.
So tht is wht all I think abt this site….but all the analyzing apart…orkut simply ROX!!!!!